

The ELECTRE Pro software allows also to import any type of sequences, manually created in ″txt″ file, in case of specific applications Measurements (gapfiller quadripoles) that can be rejected after acquisition (by the PROSYS II IRIS Instruments software)). Optimization of sequences for higher acquisition speed (the optimization process can add some.Definition of the levels of investigation with the possibility of multi-spacing configuration for data quality improvement.Use of any type of standard electrode arrays (dipole-dipole, reciprocal Schlumberger-Wenner, poledipole forward & reverse, cross diagonal pole-pole …).The ELECTRE Pro software allows to create automatically (accounting an estimated maximum investigation depth, user specified) or manually, some sequences of measurements with many possibilities: The ELECTRE Pro software is a program allowing to create some 2D-3D-surface/boreholes sequences of measurement for IRIS Instruments SYSCAL Pro-Switch resistivity-meters.
